Monday, July 11, 2011

We Moved to The Country

I apologize for the great delay in posting to our fellow hound lovers. My plate has been so full it has filled up, spilled over and is now pooling around me. Last fall I decided I had had enough of the taxes and city living so I sold to a motivated buyer and moved out into the country on several acres. I wanted to go back growing my own food and seeing my hounds run and bay to their hearts content. I did this before when I was 18 years old-bought land way out in the sticks and raised my kids out there. Now I am nearing 50 and I don't move as fast as I used to. Plus, having hot flashes in already 100+ degree heat is enough to make me pass out. Since I am (still) single and work in the city, I am tired and not keeping up with some things like I want. Like HoneyBelle's Blog. She still is having great stories to share and I will work on getting them posted. I hope to see y'all around again.

HoneyBelle: Mama has lost her mind and moved us into the middle of H-E-L-L.