Well that will teach me. I bragg and then get put in my place. She decided she wanted IN the house when I left to get groceries. She ripped the cover of the doggie door off and bulldozed her way inside and pillaged the 2 bathrooms of toilet paper. That is only one pile. It goes over on to her chair, another pile in my studio. You see the Nylabone lying in the fluffy pile of tissue. She wasn't interested in a dog bone, god forbid. I have tried stuffies but Ruby shred's their brains out in short time. I think HoneyBelle could be worked into a Charmin marketing campaign instead of the dancing bears. It is hard for me to scold her with a stern face-she is so darn cute. And heavy, I need to get her weighed again. She has got to be over 50 pounds.
From the archive: