Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Working the Gravy and Bisquits Off

Here we are early Saturday morning watching the 5K run go by with a collective "aaaawwwww-look how cute they are!" I saw how well Tina's tandem lead worked with HoneyDew and Sampson. Or it looked like it did! I made a red one and bought a flasher for it. The girls go CRAZY when we take off. HoneyBelle's coat is gorgeous, it shimmers gold and she jiggles! Now that it isn't 100 degrees outside we are able to walk in the morning and evening. And my thighs aren't trying to catch fire anymore. Sorry...ha!


  1. I would love to try a tandem lead but haven't so far!
    They do look gorgeous together!
    My husband likes to think it is him everyone thinks is cute when he is out with the dogs!

  2. Cute pic!!! awesome way to walk them!

  3. The tandem works well for me when I am by myself or can't let them off lead. Great to see yours and it appears that it worked well for you! Looks like you all had a nice time at the race. I have to tell you that HoneyBelle's behind shot looks like HoneyDews and she jiggles too!
