Okay, press agent fell out for a while. Here are a few photos of the
very long weekend. HoneyBelle did a combo of representing both Basset Buddie Rescues and Greater Houston Basset Club. It kind of went like this:
HoneyBelle: Something is up, I am trussed up like a holiday ham with a cupcake confection wrapped around my neck. Mother/press agent: You have the size and coloring of a large ham.
HoneyBelle: You will pay for this infraction...
HoneyBelle: I am positive I did not sign up for this. Is this hay on my tongue?Mother/press agent: Well you are the size of a cow. Hurry up, we have to get over to Meet the Breed so you can show everyone what a gorgeous example of bassetitude you are. Here, change your outfit again.
HoneyBelle: Can we take her home?Mother/press agent: No way in hell.

Mother/press agent: Look HoneyBelle-it is Tiny The Show Basset! And why won't you get on the floor with the other dogs?
HoneyBelle: You can't be serious. I am NOT a dog. Or is it DAWG today. hehe.
HoneyBelle: I cannot feel my legs anymore. And where is my couch. Whose idea was it to install large chunks of shredded grass to get comfortable on?
Mother/press agent: You have legs? Sorry, I could not resist. I will take it up with the committee on your behalf. Next year I will be sure to have your loveseat dollied in.
Mother/press agent: aawwwww. My baby is plumb wore out. It has been a full day of petting. Lets get you on your loveseat. She did so well in such a large event with people/kids everywhere.

Nite Nite HoneyBelle. We love you!
HoneyBelle: I know where she put 3 new skeins of yarn for her project...